Torgler's Rest Home is founded by Charles Torgler. It is located at 227 W. 6th Street in Dover, Ohio.
Park Village Health Care Center
A Family Tradition of Serving the Community For More Than 70 Years
The O'Donnell Family is proud to say that we've been serving the community for more than 70 years. During that time, Park Village Health Care Center has grown from a three-story house on 6th Street in Dover with 20 employees to two continuing care retirement communities located in Dover and New Philadelphia, employing more than 300. Today, Park Village continues to provide top quality elder care to our community under the leadership and guidance of the O'Donnell Family.

Francis Eiler Karl, R.N., an employee of Torgler's, purchases the business. It becomes known as Karl Nursing Home, marking the beginning of a family-owned and -operated business spanning three generations and over 70 years of health care service.
Mrs. Karl retires at age 70. Her daughter and son-in-law purchase the business. Rose Anne, an R.N., and husband Robert G. O'Donnell change the name of the 30-bed facility to Dover Nursing Center.
The new 50-bed facility on Crater Avenue officially opens on February 1, and Dover Nursing Center begins a name transition to Park Village Health Care Center.
A 50-bed addition, designed by Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnell, opens in July and the transition to Park Village Health Care Center is official. The O'Donnell's son, Robert, a licensed Nursing Home Administrator, joins the business.
Robert's wife, Katherine O'Donnell, R.N., B.S.N., joins the business as a nursing supervisor.
A 41-apartment Assisted Living facility is constructed next to Park Village Health Care Center. Thomas O'Donnell, brother of Robert, joins the business as Director of Support Services in response to increased demands of the new business.
A 16-apartment Specialty Care unit is added to the Assisted Living facility, to provide nursing services in a residential assisted living environment.
The campus expands to over 10 acres, and includes a second, 58-apartment Assisted Living facility to accommodate increasing demand.
Additional private rooms and a new therapy area are added in conjunction with the expansion of the rehabilitation unit.
A 26-unit Independent Living facility is opened making Park Village a Continuing Care Retirement Facility.
Park Village Southside retirement community opened in late 2016. The new campus incorporates the latest design and technology to provide exceptional elder care now and for generations to come, including skilled nursing, assisted and independent living.
Today, descendants of Bob and Rose Anne continue to own and operate Park Village. Robert O'Donnell is CEO, while Thomas O'Donnell serves as COO. And fourth-generation family members have now joined the business. Robert's son Jon O'Donnell, and Robert and Thomas' niece Erin Byers look to contribute to the family's deep roots in exceptional long-term healthcare in Tuscarawas County.